Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Trekkies, 1997


I was so excited when I first found out this documentary had been made, because I think Star Trek fans remain to be some of the most loyal fans. I also think the root of my interest in the documentary stems from having never really found anything that I am such an avid fan, and I've never really understood why so many people go crazy over Star Trek, Star Wars, or X Men.

Before watching the documentary though I thought maybe it'd be best if I familiarized myself with some of the source material, so I decided that it would be best if I were to watch the first four Star Trek movies first.

After having watched the documentary as well as the Star Trek movies:
(Possible spoilers below)

I completely understand the degree of fan-dom that exists around Star Trek now after watching the movies and being exposed a bit more to the source material. I really liked the movies overall, and like many Trekkies I agree that Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan remains superior to at least all the other Star Trek movies I've seen.

The best part about the documentary though was the interviews with the original cast from the TV series and movies. I think had I seen more of the movie and TV series I would have maybe appreciated seeing part of the cast from some of the spin-off series. I loved most the retelling of some of the fan letters and things the cast and writers had received while working on the show/movies and still today. The most touching story of all though was the one shared by James Doohan about a suicidal fan who because he continued to invite to Star Trek conventions was still alive at the time the movie was first released.

I knew I would be and was left wanting a little more about the kind of costumes people dress up in and the degree people go to for Star Trek conventions and Star Trek Memorabila, because after all that's what makes a Star Trek fan so interesting to me. There is a second documentary and I do think I'll watch it, but it won't be included in the 365 Movie Challenge.

Final thoughts: While I don't know that I will ever really be a 'super fan' of Star Trek or really ever call myself a Trekkie, besides I can't do the 'V' shape with either hand. I guess my tendons just don't allow it to happen. I can't deny though that the Star Trek movies or at least Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is really good and worth watching at least once. One final note, because I also don't know that I'll ever be able to really sum up into words what Trekkies is about. Instead I'll just leave the link below for the trailer below.



Next up: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

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