Friday, August 20, 2010

My Cousin Vinny

My Cousin Vinny, 1992
My Cousin Vinny

My Cousin Vinny

I wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into when I started watching the movie, but it's one of The Boyfriends' favorites so it can't be too bad right? Besides, I've liked almost every other movies he's suggested that I watch.* I've tried to take that attitude with a lot of movies that I've been watching during the challenge, because I want to try to go into them with an open mind. I've also found that it makes watching the movies feel less like a chore and more of an enjoyable experience.

*I can't really think of any of the movies he's suggested that I didn't like, but I'm sure there has been at least one. Haha.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

I'm starting to feel a lot more pressure lately with trying to move into a new apartment on Saturday, manipulating my Netflix shipping schedules, balancing work with the 365 Movie Challenge. Oh, and wouldn't you have guessed that once-again LA Confidential went from a 'Very Long Wait' status to 'Available' to 'Long Wait' status again and changed over night?! I think I'm going to give up and go to Blockbuster on Sunday, and so help me if it isn't an amazing movie I'm going to scream. For all the fuss around trying to get the movie, it better be damn good.

Anyways, My Cousin Vinny turned out to be a great break from some of the stress and pressure that I've started facing this week. I loved the movie and thought it was perfectly charming and laugh out loud when you're watching it alone funny. I loved the dynamic between Marisa Tomei, who played Mona and Joe Pesci, who played Vinny as well as the people from the small southern town in Alabama. It's another one of those movies where I think if any other actor had been cast in the roll it wouldn't be the same movie. Joe Pesci just is Vinny, he's able to show up in court wearing a leather jacket and assure that it's perfectly acceptable as something more than just outerwear. Although I found out after reading information about the movie on IMDB that many things I found funny were accidental. A perfect example is when Vinny meets with Judge Haller in his chambers, apparently knocking the pieces over was a happy accident when Pesci knocked the pieces over during one of the takes.

There's one last, rather small thing I kind of feel like I should also throw this out there. As I was watching the movie I noticed all the scenes in the courtroom felt more authentic and less Hollywood or staged. Which kudos to the movie I thought. I found out later though that director, Jonathan Lynn, is also a lawyer which given these details, makes complete sense.

Final thoughts: I expected this movie to be more of drama, but the comedy aspect of it was really refreshing. It was another night when I really just needed time to sit back, relax and not worry about packing or cleaning for the move on Saturday. And actually, I'm glad it's a movie that The Boyfriend has because once the 365 Movie Challenge is over I'm going to want to revisit it again.


Next up: Slumdog Millionaire

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