Friday, August 20, 2010

Things that just happen at the right time.

Dear Readers:

I've always believed that when something is right, everything just falls into place. Yeah, there may be a few things to work through, but in the end everything works out the way it was meant be. When I started the blog Yeah, I haven't seen that movie either and the 365 Movie Challenge I didn't know what kind of response I would get from it or what I was getting myself into for that matter.

These last two weeks have been some of the hardest to get through. For those who have been out of the loop, I've been struggling to balance work (both in the store and the short film I just worked on) and trying to move into a new apartment all while attempting to watch a new movie every day. Well, It hasn't always been easy and it really is a challenge to go from watching maybe 100 movies a year to watching 365 Movies in 365 Days.

It's true that I haven't always been able to see a new movie each day, and at times I've had to substitute one movie for another. Although it seems like whenever I get to a point where I just don't think I could ever watch another movie - ever again, I get an email or a comment from a friend or stranger encouraging me to keep up the progress I'm making. I even get comments about how much people are enjoying the blog and those I really cherish. I want to thank everyone again for their continued support, because it has truly helped me through these last two weeks. I thought I had reached a breaking point and wanted to give up, but I've managed to work through it with your support and I'm still in the race! I'm nearly exhausted, yet again, but I'm still keeping my head above water. The 365 Movie Challenge is still alive because of you.

Thank you,


P.S. I promise I have a lot of exciting ideas that I'm working on to make the 365 Movie Challenge more interactive and exciting for everyone!

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