Sunday, August 15, 2010


Predator, 1987
Predator [Blu-ray]

Predator [Blu-ray]

This is another one of those movies that my brother, Zachary, has tried to get me to watch with him like a billion times and I've just never been able to watch all of it. I guess it's just too much of a "guy movie" for this girl.

After watching the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

Ugh. It took me, and I'm not kidding, three days and five attempts to finally get through this movie. I don't know if it was a combination of working so many hours at the store, the onset of a sinus infection, trying to get things in order for the move I'm making next weekend, or the fact that this is just such a "guy movie" that it took me forever to finally watch the movie in it's entirety. I was sure that on Saturday I was going to make amazing progress in the 365 Movie Challenge by knocking out both Predator and Star Trek IV: The Journey Home before going over to the boyfriends for a bonfire night. I got twenty minutes into the movie, hadn't even seen the beast before I completely lost interest in the movie. Go a head and make fun of me, because it is kind of pathetic. But, I'm being completely honest.

I do have to give the movie credit though, for being 1987 the idea that this beast is able to blend in so well to it's surroundings and the actual effects used were stunning. I had no idea the monster could do that, it was brilliant! I actually liked the idea so much, I wanted to post a picture of it.

The movie also had a lot of great one-liners but my favorite was Jesse Ventura's line, "I ain't got time to bleed." Even though the infamous, "Get to the chopper!" was a great line, I think Ventura's line is totally underrated.

Final thoughts: I completely get why so many people absolutely love this movie. I would never even question why boys would play Predator growing up after having finally watched this movie. On a side note though, I'm really excited about being able to tell Zachary that after nearly 10 years I've finally seen Predator.


Next up: Zoolander

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