Okay, so this is the kind of awful truth. I have never seen Schindler's List in it's entirety, I was twenty-two when I watched Star Wars for the first time, and before 2006 I couldn't tell you the difference between Alex and Robert Rodriguez.
Perhaps it will only add insult to injury, but I have a Bachelor Degree in Film and Video Production. Which means, I went to film school. Yikes!
So, how did I survive having not known the difference between A-Rod and "Rob-Rod?"
It wasn't always easy, but I found a loop hole. My favorite movie is a classic, Gone With the Wind, and like all classics it's something that everyone should see but usually won't watch and can't really be argued against.
I realize I may even be getting ahead of myself a bit here, but once I started pulling names of movies from friends and the internet I started to wonder how I managed to miss out on this many movies. I mean, really!? How had I not seen The Goonies until last year?
I started analyzing the release dates and realized growing up my parents didn't really see a lot of movies. Even to this day, my dad has little interest in movies and television. The only exception being the local news. My mom had some interest in movies; although during the hight of the VHS era her interest was mostly in collecting every single animated Disney classic made available to the public. I could always count on getting the newest released movie as a Christmas or birthday present and when I asked my mom why she went to so much trouble to buy every movie she said (and this is a direct quote), "I want to have them so you can watch them when you grow up and so the grandkids can watch them when they're growing up too."
So this means growing up I watched animated Disney classics on a loop. In fact, one of my favorite movies is still Aladdin. I know all of the words. BUT this also means that my mom has been making plans for grandkids for more than fifteen years. Yikes!
But I'm looking to change all of that.
I've put together a list of 360 movies, and a polling system which will select an additional five titles when readers vote, totaling 365 movies.
I'm calling this Brittney's 365 Movies in 365 Days Challenge.
There are a few guidelines though, and to keep things short and sweet those can be found on the, "These rules aren't meant to be broken" page of my blog.
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