Monday, August 23, 2010

Limited Internet until Thursday from 1-3:00 PM is BOGUS

For the most part I'm all moved into my new apartment and it's really nice, minus that whole no cell phone signal anywhere inside the apartment and a lack of cable, internet, and phone until Thursday now. Basically, the cable company lead me to believe someone would be coming this past Saturday to hook up services and now I have to go five days until I'm able to go online without 'borrowing' wireless internet from a neighbor.

This means I'm probably going to fall behind - again in the 365 Movie Challenge. Remember to check back often to find out what kind of progress is being made and how the 365 Movie Challenge is coming along.

P.S. L.A. Confidential remains on at a 'Very Long Wait' status on Netflix. This movie better be worth it's weight in gold, because at this point I'm ready to just stop by Blockbuster to pick it up.

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