Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tootsie, 1982
Tootsie - 25th Anniversary Edition

Tootsie - 25th Anniversary Edition

There are so many movies that I feel like I've just always known they have existed, this was not one of them. I can remember watching Mrs. Doubtfire almost on a loop, when my Mom I think from her own need to hear something other than Mrs. Doubtfire playing on the TV in the playroom told me about a similar movie named Tootsie. By the time I had learned enough to know how to look things up, I saw the cover and judged the movie based on that. I had decided that it wasn't as funny as Mrs. Doubtfire nor would it be as much fun to watch. After all, it had an unfortunate looking woman on the front standing before a flag and I didn't like war movies or movies about soldiers.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

For all of those who have said Comedies aren't Academy Award Winners, I'd like to introduce you to Tootsie. The movie was nominated in ten categories, including the most coveted Best Picture. And here's the thing, when you break the movie down it really isn't one of the best movies ever made. It is however, just a lot of fun and that after all is one of the reasons we make and watch movies.

There weren't really a lot of things that I was able to dig up about the movie, or maybe I just gave up after having found page after page of websites and stores online selling Tootsie Rolls. I was able to come up with some kind of great tales of Dustin Hoffman though, and because I'm in a bit of a gossipy mood here goes:

Apparently Mr. Hoffman can be a bit difficult to work with, the most difficult thing perhaps though is that as an actor he has a lot to say about the movie. This sometimes drives me crazy as a Script Supervisor, because it's usually over somewhat silly things like if a character would be chewing gum in one scene or not. It isn't imparitive to the story, but because the actor wants to chew gum it suddenly matters and takes time out of the shooting schedule to discuss if there really is a motivation for gum chewing.

Prior to shooting Tootsie, Owen Roizman, the films Cinematographer campaigned against Dustin Hoffman's characters glasses. Roizman reportedly feared the reflection of lights in the lenses! Side note: I want to meet this man and instantly best friend the shit out of him, remember it's part of my job to watch for those pesky reflections that sometimes show up in shiny surfaces like the side panel of a car, or any objects constructed from glass. I've never heard or met a Cinematographer or Camera Operator who has ever cared that much about reflections. But Dustin Hoffman, based on what I've found online, has a tendency to get things to go his way.

I'm not really looking to beat up on Mr. Hoffman, I think he's an amazing talent and puts a lot of work and energy into his rolls. He spent a lot of time getting the voice just right, and on multiple occasions dressed as Dorothy as a way to gauge how believable he was as man in drag. And reportedly the best time to delivery any kind of sour news to Mr. Hoffman was while he was in drag and in the mindset of Dorothy. Apparently, he took this news much better as a female.

Final thoughts: It's nice to see that Comedy that isn't really 'The Greatest Movie Ever Made,' remember that was Atonement, be nominated for and win so many awards. I find it to be a bit refreshing. This movie isn't a big blockbuster or action packed movie, it's just fun. Like Weekend at Bernie's.


Next up: Moonstruck

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