Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation, 2003
Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

This seems to be one of those movies that I think only a few of your friends have really ever seen and it some how managed to go under the radar. I really like Bill Murray and I generally like the majority of the things Scarlett Johansson is in, so even though I never really expected anything from this movie I really don't know what I had exected the movie to be like.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
This movie was a little slower than I thought it would be, but I have to admit I really liked watching the relationship between Bill Murray's character and Scarlett Johansson's develop as they traveled and experienced Tokyo together. I can't really say that I've travelled a whole lot on my own or just with a friend, but it's interesting the kind of people you run into and unexpected encounter or relationships that can start from something as simple as sharing a table at breakfast with a stranger. While I don't think I would ever really recommend traveling alone, but while on a trip with a friend I'd have no problem recommending that you share a table with another couple for dinner. At the very least you come back home with the story of the rude, quiet, nosy, couple with an annoying laugh.
Final thoughts: Despite the fact the movie was a bit slow, I liked the tone of it. I loved the idea that a friendship would be forged between two strangers in a foreign city just because both of them are American. After all, sharing a table with someone seems much safer than sharing a room or ride with a stranger, so long as you don't leave a drink unattended.
Next up: Citizen Kane

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