Saturday, February 19, 2011

What people who think they want to do drugs should first watch prior to making that decision

Trainspotting, 1996
Trainspotting - Director's Cut (Collector's Edition)

Trainspotting - Director's Cut (Collector's Edition)

So after spending what seemed like the longest holiday in Arizona, this was the first movie I got to watch with The Boyfriend when he returned home. Okay, maybe saying it like that makes it seem like this is what we did together after being apart for almost two weeks. We only watched the movie after catching up on things, because it was a gift from my Grandparents. It made sense that because I was so far behind in the 365 Movie Challenge and he hadn't seen the movie in years that we watch it together later that night.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
In a way I kind of which I had known what I was signing up for with this movie. I had no idea this movie was about one man’s substance abuse problem. Not only that, but watching his entire group of friends get high while there was a baby in the apartment made me nervous. I knew the baby was going to die, there wasn't any proper supervision going on and that's what happens. I don't think I would have been too surprised to see the group of them try to get the baby high, you know, because they thought it was funny.
I don't know if I really liked the movie, as in I want to go re-watch it immediately, but it had a lot of powerful images and scenes that are pretty unforgettable. Like watching someone come down from a high and fight through withdraw symptoms is incredibly uncomfortable and just as discussing to visualize was the toilet diving scene. Ew! If it helps make it seem not so awful, the poo was made of chocolate.
For me the most interesting part of the movie though was certainly all the behind the scene information on the DVD. The filmmakers explain and demonstrate how the use of a prostetic arm was used for the scenes when the guys were shooting up, and all the effort that went into making the arm and shot look more realistic. There was also a piece with the Production Designer who went to great lengths to find the right looks for all the locations in the film.
Final thoughts: This movie is a bit intense. I think it's something anyone who might think they are interested in drugs should watch. I certainly had never expected some of the scenes to prove to be as powerful as they were.
Next up: Love Actually

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