Friday, February 4, 2011

Miracle of 34th Street

Miracle on 34th Street, 1947
Miracle on 34th Street

Miracle on 34th Street

I knew when I was kind of mapping out certain movies to watch when I started the 365 Movie Challenge that I would watch this as well as It's A Wonderful Life around Christmas, which had only seemed natural to me. I also knew that if I were going to watch this movie, I needed to see the original movie from 1947 and not the one remade in the 1990s with Mara Wilson.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
This movie was just what I needed to put me back in the Christmas spirit. I admit, it was hard being away from The Boyfriend in what would be a little more than a week, but it was hardest not going home to Ohio for the holidays. It was the first Christmas I had ever spent away from home. I absolutely loved the movie, and ended up watching it a few days after the Christmas holiday as well. Although this one doesn't take the place of my favorite Chistmas movie, A Christmas Story, it has quickly and easily become one of my favorite Christmas movies.
Surprisingly enough, it was one of the movies that I was able to watch without really knowing a lot about the plot. I mean, you can't be anywhere in America around Christmas talking about movies and not hear about the one where Santa Clause is put on trial but that is all I had ever heard about the movie. What I didn't know about was the relationship between the child and her mother, as well as how anti-fantasy and fairy tales her mother was. I guess I really just really disagree with her opinion, because I think kids Susan's age need the opportunity to pretend and believe in fairy tales.
Final Thoughts: It wasn't really a surprising to me that I would fall in love with this movie. In fact the biggest surprise would come later, when I realized the kind of career Natalie Wood would have. Believe it or not, Natalie is in five movies that comprise my list and I never recognized her as Maria from West Side Story or as Anna Muir in The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
Next up: Batman

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