Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Atonement, 2007
Atonement [Blu-ray]

Atonement [Blu-ray]

Ugh! "The Greatest Movie Ever Made" I swear that's all I heard in 2007 when the movie was being advertised and was all over the media: internet, TV, cable and radio. It was the fact that the movie was so saturated across the media that I had decided I didn't want to see it. And I probably never would have watched the movie until one of my friends suggested that I watch it as part of my 365 Movie Challenge. I can be that stubborn over some of the most trivial things. It's really my way of picking my battles, to keep a clean win record, I pick small stuff.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

In the end I'm kind of glad that I was able to push my stubborn steak aside and watch the movie because it is good. But that being said, I really hated the movie for the way it had ended. The movie made me think about what my life would be like if something so trivial, because really it wasn't that big of a deal until the girls let so much time pass until things were set right, came between me and my sister. My sister really is one of my best friends, and I realize I am lucky to have the kind of relationship that I do with my sister. The best way I can really describe it is to say that she is most certainly the greatest gift my parents have ever given me. I love you kid!

Final thoughts: I know there is more I could say about the movie: it was beautifully shot, had so many great costumes (Hello! That green dress in the library - Amazing!) and the house where the girls lived was beautiful. But this time the relationship between the two sisters is what really struck home with me, and I never would have imagined this movie would have this kind of impact on me.


Next up: Tootsie

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