Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come, 1998

What Dreams May Come
With a title like 'What Dreams May Come,' I have high hopes for this movie.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
I wish there was more I could say about what I had wanted this movie to be for me before I had watched it. I remember plaining telling my Grams, "I have to watch What Dreams May Come if you want to watch it with me. I don't know what it's about, but it's on the list."
I think based on the title and the concept of the story, I just set the bar too high. I feel like it's too much to try to capture the idea of a man's personal heaven and it intersecting at times with others in a single story. It's almost as though I can see the thought process the writers had. I even begin asking myself the same questions that the writers probably asked themselves when they started plotting out the story. What would this family man's Heaven be like? What experiences would he have as he starts to adjust to the new limits of his world? How would he handle it if when he gets there, he finds his wife can't join him because she's committed suicide?
I think one of the things that really turned me off to the movie was all the tragedy the family seemed to have suffered throughout the story. And I realize, sometimes trauma and difficult times in life can be at the root of an amazing story; but when I watch a movie I like to escape the whoas of life.
What I really loved about the movie, and kind of ironic is that when I was digging around for information about the movie that the majority of the buzz around the movie was what it looked like visually. The movie is stunning. It was intentionally shot on a Fuji film typically used for landscapes as it reproduces colors rather vividly. The images read to me as an oil painting, and I think really it's the only way to illustrate Heaven.

Final thoughts: (This one's easy) What Dreams May Come: The most beautifully shot movie that I will never watch again.
Next up: Changeling

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