Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Searchers

The Searchers, 1956
John Wayne: The Searchers

John Wayne: The Searchers

Eh, Westerns. I think they fall just above Anime, Stoner-Comedies, and zombie movies. I know a lot of kids who assume any movie that is black and white, isn't really worth watching because it's old. Westerns kind of register similarly with me. While they are something I associate with the 1950s, and I think it's a bit of a dead genera I fail to see how anyone could ever really be interested in watching a Western.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
You know, there's really nothing tricky about this story and it's a fairly simple plot but for the life of me I couldn't really get into this movie. I don't know if there were too many distractions or if I had tried to watch too many movies the day before, but it didn't do it for me. I couldn't get on board with John Wayne and go searching across the country for an abducted niece.
It wasn't until I started reading more about the movie that I realized, maybe I missed a couple of things. There were Easter Eggs throughout the movie that suggest why it's so important for Ethan, played by Wayne, to not give up on the search for his niece. I didn't realize that Ethan's wife and mother had both been killed by Commanches. I also completely missed that it was an implied notion that Ethan had fathered Debbie and Lucy, and with the combined personal attacks of losing his mother, wife, the woman he loved (his sister-in-law) and what could have possibly been his two children makes the movie make so much more sense.
Final thoughts: Once the final post is made for the 365 Movie Challenge, I want to revisit this movie. Maybe on day when I'm tired of reading, when it's cold, gray and raining outside and I'm sick in bed.
Next up: Trainspotting

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