Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well, I'm really far behind at this point

Wow. When I finally look at the number it's a little scary. Sometimes, I honestly don't know how I'm going to catch up with such a busy schedule and all the holidays coming up. I know part of the reason I've been behind is still because of the work I did on the feature Cassadaga the other delay being a bit of laziness on my part and some unexpected time in the hospital with my Grandpa. But if it means staying up all night watching movies to catch up on the 365 Movie Challenge then that's what it will take, I feel like I'm too far in to just stop now.
I know it's crazy to some people - the idea of watching 365 Movies in 365 Days. I get people who roll their eyes at me, but the worst is when people tell me they wished they had that kind of time. The truth is I am kind of crazy but I want to be able to look back years from now and remember that year I decided to watch 365 movies in 365 days. And if the truth must be told, I don't have that kind of time either. But I do what I can to make it work. Unfortunately so many date nights have turned into watching a couple of movies at home.  The boyfriend and I were never regulars at bars or restaurants, but I don't even remember the last game night I had with friends.
There have been many exciting things that have come along since the delay though. After watching the movie The Color Purple, I found out Oprah decided to reunite the cast of the movie on her show. I'm excited about watching that and writing some of the highlights from the show as a 'follow up' to the first write up. Timing also seems to be on my side, I was able to watch Steal A Pencil For Me just in time for the anniversary of Kristallnacht. I found out after watching the movie that Audrey Hepburn announced to the cast and crew of My Fair Lady that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I watched My Fair Lady a week before I plan to watch JFK and The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours Later.
So what's the damage? I'm 31 titles behind, but if I double up and watch two movies a day then I can be back on track before Christmas. Hooray!

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