Monday, November 8, 2010

Loose Change

Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, 2009
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

Initially I was a little leery about watching this movie. I would hardly describe myself as someone who is really into conspiracy stories, and it seems only natural that soon after the attack on September 11, 2001 that theories would start developing. But sometimes movies won't always leave you with a warm and fuzzy story. Now all that is left is to try to watch the movie with an open mind to see what these people have to back up their conspiracy story.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

I don't know that I believe fully in what filmmakers had to say in the documentary; although I have to say they did present a very strong case with a lot of hard to dispute evidence. Maybe in this matter I do prefer to turn my head the other way. It's almost too hard to imagine living under a  government that would allow so many lives to be lost for a personal agenda, for a series of military campaigns. It seems weak.

After really watching the documentary though, I don't think it would hurt to open another investigation into the matter. One of the greatest opportunities we have in America is the ability to question and criticize our government which is why there are youtube videos, documentaries, and websites dedicated to the pursuit of opening another formal investigation.

I think this is the documentary to watch about the tragic events from 9/11. Although there are others that discuss and investigate the subject, Michael Moore is not the way to go. The bottom line - I just don't think you should star in the same documentary you produce. In my honest opinion, Michael Moore isn't a documentary filmmaker, but an entertainer who chooses controversial topics to make films about. Loose change, aside from a little over-bearing music, does a great job in remaining as unbias as possible. Leaving it up to the audience to finally decide if maybe there is more behind these conspiracy stories than first thought.

Final thoughts: All of this is a lot to take in. It was an event in American history that effected so many people. Over night we became united as a country. Americans were flying their flags again - we put American flag decals on our cars, and more people who were more willing to re-enlist or enlist in the military once again. In the days before former President George W. Bush's memoir hits book stores, it really makes you think back to those years. Knowing now there were never any weapons of mass destruction and how so many were mislead into the War in Iraq - an alarming number of people believe we went to war in Iraq as a direct result of being attacked on 9/11. That is not the case; although I don't really think a lot was done to make that clear. I'm not making this up, it's discussed in the movie. I've also  tried to keep to keep my own political bias opinion out of this write-up, but I did want to include a couple of links to some of the news stories surrounding former President George W. Bush's book.

This was the first link and article I read about the book, it's also important to note that he was on the Today Show in an interview with Matt Lauer this morning, and will be featured on prime time TV tonight on NBC at 8:00 PM (Eastern time).


Next up: The Big Labowski

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