Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It took re-watching Julie and Julia again to really motivate me to get the ball rolling again with the 365 Movie Challenge.

After a long October, and I mean a LONG October with: car problems, long hours working on a feature-film, finding out my brother has cancer, missing my Dad's wedding, the birth of my nephew, and spending a couple of days with my Grandpa in the hospital I'm back on track with the 365 Movie Challenge.
Or at least, I'm picking it up where I left off.

I never imagined October would bring so much chaos with it, and re-watching Julie and Julia reminded me that even though I'm really far behind in the movie it is a challenge that I've taken on that I need to see it through. More than ever, and for myself, I need this win. I should also admit to myself and anyone still reading that I'm scared to find out how many days and movies I've fallen behind on.

Check back this week for: a NEW PAGE with a complete list of the movies I've already watched and a link to each write up, as well as more posts from the movies I've watched while on hiatus.

*Also, as a way to catch up on the movies I've missed, I'm going to stop posting movies by each week. Instead I will announce the movies as I plan on watching them. I'm doing it this way as a trial run thing, in hopes that it lets me catch up a little faster.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yaaay get to #90! :)