Monday, November 29, 2010

The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries, 2004
The Motorcycle Diaries (Widescreen Edition)

The Motorcycle Diaries (Widescreen Edition)

I've been itching to get away and go on some great adventure for some time. I was asked to work on another feature film that was filming out of town but had to turn it down, and to top that a couple of days later I was asked to go on a 10 day cruise to the Bahamas but turned it down as well. I'm not crazy and I have my reasons, but to calm that desire to get away I decided to watch The Motorcycle Diaries.

After having watched the movies:
(Possible spoilers below)

So, did the movie curb my desire to travel? It did (for a while). I loved the idea of two guys traveling across South America on a motorcycle, I mean really, could imagine the kind of things they would see and do. There's unlimited opportunity for adventure. It wasn't the right time for me to go to the Bahamas for 10 days, but some day I'll have my great adventure. The movie doesn't lack great adventure, or chances taken. These boys do things that I'm sure they thought, "What was I ever thinking swimming across the river like that at night?!" later in life.

Final thoughts: I want so badly to go on a great adventure like this. I'm just waiting for the right timing.


Next up: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

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