Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Fair Lady: A Cinderella Story Often Not Thought Of

My Fair Lady, 1964
My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady

I've had this movie out for about a week, I don't know why I can't seem to make myself sit down and just watch it. This past week has been kind of busy though, I have had to work four hard nights in the store, which really throws my schedule off both for the 365 Movie Challenge and things outside of the Movie Challenge. I guess part of me kind of wishes I could get away with just watching it on stage...
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
The movie really wasn't all that bad, I just had a lot of other things that seemed much more interesting to take care of first. The idea that nothing gets my room cleaner than a paper due tomorrow absolutely applies in this situation. All the pictures that I have had been waiting to hang that were just sitting against the wall, well they're hanging pretty on my walls now. That shelf that has needed dusted for two weeks, Mom I still don't like to dust, there isn't a speck of dust to be found on the shelf or my entire apartment for that matter. Although I was able to stop myself short of cleaning the bathroom and mopping the kitchen floor in order to power through this movie. It only took five days, and four attempts but from start to finish I've seen it in it's entirety. Hooray!
I'm actually really serious when I say that the movie wasn't really that bad. If you like musicals, then you'll love this. And actually, it was one of the top grossing films for Warner Brothers at the time. Who would've guessed, right? It's really a Cinderella story that I didn't see coming, which was a pleasant surprise.
A little noteworthy piece, the film was in production during that assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Audrey Hepburn announced to cast and crew that President Kennedy had been assassinated after filming Wouldn't It Be Lovely. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This date is familiar to me, because I plan to watch the movie JFK on November 22 and follow with watching  The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours Later appropriately. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I've come across articles and news stories about the movies that are part of the 365 Movie Challenge. It's exciting for me.
Final thoughts: My Fair Lady was fun. It took a lot to watch, and was an unexpected roadblock in its own right, but I'm glad to be moving on from that movie.


Next up: 12 Angry Men

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