Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Marry A Millionaire

How to Marry A Millionaire, 1953
How to Marry a Millionaire

How to Marry a Millionaire

I'm not really trying to suggest that the movie be remade, I mean I haven't even seen the movie yet. I just can't help but to feel like within ten years someone is going to try to remake this movie. Pause for a minute to realize just how silly that seems, because I haven't even seen the first one. Okay, back into things, if it were to have been remade in the late 1990s or earlier part of 2000s I'm sure someone like Jennifer Lopez would have been cast in the lead. And yeah, I realize JLo is isn't blonde and is Latin to boot, but things like The Wedding Planner and Monster in Law make her seem like a smart choice. However, if it were to be remade today, I imagine someone like Katherin Heigl (barf), Kristin Bell, or Kate Hudson would be the leading lady this time around. I don't know, maybe I should try watching the movie first before I dreaming up a remake.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

Apparently my talks about a remake for this movie isn't too far off, as Wil told me a remake has been talked about for a while now. I feel like the key to remaking this movie would be retaining the classy aspect the movie had when it was first made in 1953. I think it would go over great if it had the same kind of glamour as something like Gossip Girl or maybe even a bit of Cougar Town, after all the characters in the movie aren't in college or in their twenties.

One of the things that I liked most about the movie was Marilyn Monroe. I actually thought she was a major asset to the movie despite what a lot of people have said about her abilities as an actress. I mean, I'll even admit that she is no Meryl Streep but I this role seems like it was made for her. Marilyn's role was playing a beautiful, slightly stupid, girl who thinks the only thing holding her back from getting married to a man who earns at least six figures a year is her glasses. Her character reminds me of the girl that everyone is friends with in high school because she is so nice and welcomes everyone to sit with her at lunch, but has a hard time making a 'C' in her Algebra II class.

And one last thing about Marilyn Monroe, because she died young we have this idealized persona of hers we all remember the same way we do about James Dean. This doesn't mean every young starlet should run off to the nearest tattoo parlor to get Marilyn tattoos all over their body - Megan Fox. The only real exception I'm willing to make are a few of the pictures Lindsay Lohan did for Vanity Fair.

Final thoughts: The more I think about it, the more in favor I am for a remake to be done. Of course with one stipulation being that I would want to be able to work on the movie. I thought the movie was a lot of fun, light hearted, and easy to watch. It's something that I would watch again and again and I'm thinking about even buying it on DVD, which is kind of out of character for me.

P.S. The final scene of the movie at the burger joint is absolutely my favorite part of the movie; the movie ends on such a great note.


Next up: American Beauty

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