Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Amelie, 2001


I'm excited about watching the movie and finishing the week on time. Exception still being with LA (freaking) Confidential. I'm beginning to think the Netflix company only has one copy of the movie and continues to send it out to everyone else but me.

I'm not really looking forward to watching the movie one way or the other. It's foreign, so I'm sure it's going to be a good movie.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

As I started watching the movie I remembered I had seen part of the movie with my friends Wil and Kristin a couple of years ago, but couldn't for the life of me remember how it ended. It's really not like me to sit down with friends and only watch half of a movie, I feel like there's a bit more peer pressure to make it through the entire movie when you're watching it with someone else. Even though I had already seen part of the movie, I've never seen the ending of the movie which means it can still be considered part of the 365 Movie Challenge.

About halfway through the movie I realized why I've never seen the ending of Amelie, once she starts hunting down her mysterious author I check out. I can't seem to stay on board with the rest of the movie despite it's level of fantasy throughout the story and the fact that the movie is shot beautifully.

Throughout the movie Amelie actually does a lot of things that I think are rather fantastic and are her attempts at making life better for those around her. I loved when Amelie kidnapped her Dad's garden gnome and would continue to get pictures of it traveling around the world, when she started playing tricks on Collignon throughout his apartment, and when she gives the blind man a detailed tour down one of the cities streets.

Final thoughts: Despite the fact I really liked the story, it was really hard to watch the movie. I actually feel like there is a lot of peer pressure to like the movie, almost like I'm not allowed to dislike the movie. And I even really wanted to like the movie, I mean it has a lot to offer from its level of fantasy and the kind of quirky plot. I think I'm going to try watching it again soon in another year.


Next up: The Spirit

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