Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kicking off the Brittney's 365 Movies in 365 Days Challenge with a "Hitch"

Dial M for Murder, 1954
Dial M for Murder

Dial M for Murder

I've always associated this movie with an old rotary phone, so I wasn't really surprised when I realized it was released in 1954. I was surprised however to find out that it was an a Alfred Hitchcock film. Having not really ever spent a lot of time studying Alfred Hitchcock and his work, I only knew two things about him. First being that he was a master of suspense, and second is that from a short story I read a few years ago about Alfred Hitchcock in a Paul Harvey book titled, The Rest of the Story
As a kid, he was sent to the police station with a letter from his father. The desk sergeant read the letter and immediately locked the boy up for ten minutes. After the time passed, the sergeant let him go explaining to him, "This is what happens to people who do bad things." As a result, Alfred Hitchcock has always feared the police.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

I was a bit taken back by the movie at first, I didn't realize how heavily it relied on dialogue. It took me a few minutes to remember how to listen and watch a movie, but once I was able to fully tune in it almost immediately captured my attention. It wasn't long until I caught myself talking to the screen, which is something I typically don't do. It also took Wil to point it out, but I hadn't realized how quickly I needed Margo (Grace Kelly) to die, and how suddenly I was rooting for the bad guy.

Some final thoughts: A day later this movie is all I want to talk about. I have high expectations now for Psycho as well as the other Hitchcock films on my list. I'm curious to see what ideas and themes continue from each of his films. For example, in this movie the majority of the movie takes place in the front room of the couples apartment and it was very similar to what you would typically see in live theater.


Next up: Metropolis, 1927


Unknown said...

Nice! I think it's funny you're going from a movie that so heavily relies on dialog to a movie that has none :)

Brittney's 365 Movies in 365 Days Challenge said...

I had a lot of amazing feedback from my facebook post that I wanted to share with everyone.

Kristin J - yay! SERIOUSLY, tell me when you watch the Royal Tennenbaums! of if you want to come over and watch it on netflix, i'll cook!

Joe F - Excellent movie to start with. However, my favorite one of his was "Rope". Always reminds me of our discussions of "Lord of the Flies".

Kristin J - wow...everyone's favorite is Rope...and I'd never even heard of it till I met Will... who knew?

Andrea B - To Catch a Thief is my favorite :)

Kristin J - Oooh go Andrea! that's my fave too!! Well its tied with Dial M for Murder but still!

Andrea B - I still need to see Dial M for Murder, it's on the Netflix with a long list of must sees.

Kristin J - its super good but you can't really beat Cary Grand as a former jewel thief! haha

Megan H - Dial M is good...but yes rope is better :)

Will L - Rope rope rope rope!