Saturday, June 19, 2010

The first bump in the road

I have a confession. One of the reasons I haven't seen many movies in the past is because sometimes I get bored with them. I realize how to some people that might seem like a completely ridiculous, but let me explain.

It's usually this sudden desire I get to move: Something whether it be an outside distraction, housework, or bad pacing will pull me out of a movie and then I start to feel like I should be doing something other than just sitting on the couch. Typically in the past I'd just get up and finish the laundry, or take the dog on a twenty minute walk and then go read a book or magazine. This kind of explains why I've only seen half or parts of certain movies, like Sin City. Which I actually really liked when I started watching it two and a half years ago, I just haven't finished watching it yet.

Luckily there is a remedy. I usually just need to be given something to do with my hands. My friend, Wil can attest to this. Even though I'm pretty sure he still thinks my whole issue is completely absurd he at least seems to have accepted it as one of my weird quirks. So we could watch an entire season of Scrubs on DVD he asked me to do some beading work for a costume he has designed.

Anyways, the point in sharing all of this with everyone is that I've come to the first big bump in the road. When I first told Wil about my idea for Brittney's 365 Movies in 365 Days, he kind of did a double take. I was still riding the high of my newest idea, and he was the first one to remind me that I typically don't have the attention span to watch a lot of movies. Wil is my best friend, I love him and I couldn't imagine him not being an active part of this blog but he was right. It's starting to get really hard. AND I'm only 3.5 movies into this. Yikes!

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