Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How do I pick what to watch first?

Last night I kind of went into a brief panic mode (okay it wasn't full panic mode but it was kind of a scary moment) that had been sneaking up on me all week. The problems: How am I going to pick the movies each week? And what about theme movie night parties that I had hoped to have?

I realized this is kind of where the rules and guidelines have a little room to make it up as I go along.

I've decided to schedule the movies I felt would be best suited for certain days of the year for that particular date. Example: I feel like I should wait until Groundhog's Day 2011 to watch Groundhog Day for the first time.

Also because the Enzian, a wonderful Independent theater in Orlando, often screens cult classics as well as hosts free screenings of movies in a park - if a title that is on my list is going to be one they plan on screening, then I will do my absolute best to make it to the screening. Again, because I think most movies are most enjoyed when you share the experience with a lot of people.

Keep an eye out for these events. If I've done this right, it should be near the top left hand margin of the page.

To fill the remaining days of the year, each Tuesday there will be a lottery for the following weeks movies.
*However I do want to point out that because the poll for the remaining five films to be added to the list doesn't close until June 15, the official launch day of Brittney's 365 Movies in 365 Days Challenge, those titles have not been added to the pool of titles yet. Although the next lottery drawing, which is scheduled for June 15, will have the titles that received the most votes from the poll.

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