Sunday, June 20, 2010

Don't Panic

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 2005
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Widescreen Edition)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Widescreen Edition)

I've listened to a lot of friends tell me several times that I would probably really like this movie, but having never really been a fan of anything Sci-Fi I kind of steered away from this one based on the title alone. Even though they told me I'd really enjoy the comedy aspect of it. Don't judge me. I've started watching more Sci-Fi, and though I don't think it will ever be a "go-to" for me I will admit not everything Sci-Fi is terrible. I also kept from watching the movie, because I had hoped to get the chance to read the books first. I guess I just found too many celebrity memoirs that I decided to dive into first.

Once I learned that in 1981 BBC made the books into a mini-series I decided to watch all six episodes before watching the movie from 2005.

After having watched the mini-series:
(Possible spoilers below)

My friends were right, I loved this mini-series. However, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had been able to watch with a couple of friends. I feel this way in general about comedies, so in the future I'm going to try to schedule out the week so maybe a couple of friends can join me the nights I watch comedies. I'm certainly more interested in seeing the movie now. I'm curious to find out if it is exactly the same story or instead if it varies just a bit.

As far as the writing and story is concerned, OMG I love the ridiculousness of it all.

After having watched the feature:

For me this was very much like watching both the American and British version of The Office. I think which ever version you tend to watch first is going to be the one you favor. There is one exception to this, I think for someone who has read the book (it's a series of six I believe) they'll tend to favor the mini-series more. The real advantage the mini-series had over the movie was time. There wasn't as much that seemed to have been left out. A couple of my favorite jokes were either left on the cutting room floor or just didn't seem to make it into the final version of the shooting script.

Final thoughts: I definitely liked the mini-series more than feature. For those who haven't seen the mini-series and really liked the movie I would recommend watching it on Netflix, because it is watch instantly.


Next up: Psycho

1 comment:

CorieMeg said...

The book is actually a lot funnier. I don't like to read fiction, but this book had me laughing out loud!