Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Bicycle Thief

The Bicycle Thief, 1948
The Bicycle Thief

The Bicycle Thief

This is another movie, among so many, that I don't know a single thing about.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

This movie was a lot darker and more depressing than I had expected it to be. I typically like for the characters I watch in movies to have things go there way in the end, but this poor guy just couldn't catch a break. He was offered an amazing job during a downturned economy, working for the city posting billboards around town, and the only real requirement for the job was that he needed to have a bicycle. His wife is able to scrape together a few things around the house, from her dowery in order to buy the bicycle back from the pawn shop. On the man's  first day on the job his bicycle is stolen.

The remaining time is spent with man and his son who go on a big adventure trying to find his bicycle, which he never manages to find. Despite his best efforts finding his bicycle is really like trying to search for a needle in a haystack. I think in nearly every scene after his bicycle is stolen there are other people with their bicycles in the background. Although I really didn't understand why he didn't try to rent a bicycle from someone for a couple of days until he was able to purchase a new or used one to replace the one that was stolen from him. Surely something could have been able to have been worked out when you consider the wages he would be making with his new job.

The thing that bothers me the most about the subject matter in the movie though is how willing a lot of people are to steal things from someone else. I mean, a bicycle standing alone alongside a building is easier to steal than a piece of artwork in a museum, but people are still willing to go to great lengths to steal these items. I see or hear about it at least once a week and it just makes me sick to my stomach. I guess I just don't understand why people feel the need to take things that don't belong to them.

Final thoughts: I really wanted this man to be able to find his bicycle. I wanted him to be able to go to work and earn an honest living in order to support his family. I can't say I was really surprised when he felt as though stealing another man's bicycle was his only option, but for his own sake I am glad the proper owner of the bicycle decided not to press charges.


Next up: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

1 comment:

Pete W said...

Favorite movie ever!

Don't forget, this whole film was shot basically in ultimate guerrilla style. It was shot illegally, under the radar, with existing light and the actors weren't actors. The man playing the father was plucked by the director off of a factory floor to play the role cause he looked the part.

Just an amazing film. Yes, it's horribly sad, but not every film can be uplifting. :)

P.S. Hiya Brit, when we working together again? :P