Thursday, July 29, 2010

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Restored) [Blu-ray]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Restored) [Blu-ray]

I'm really excited about starting the second movie out of the five movies that comprise my mini Star Trek marathon. It's going to be really tempting to not watch this movie before I receive the episode from the TV series, "Space Seed" from Netflix. I've heard from a lot of people that the second movie is much superior to the first, so I'm really excited about the movie.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

Everyone was right about this movie, the second movie is much superior to than the first movie, Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In general, I just enjoyed the story around the sequel more than I enjoyed the first movie, and I also felt as though the second movie had better pacing than the first movie.

I am also incredibly thankful for having been advised to watch, "Space Seed" before watching the sequel. The episode, from my understanding, is the first time the audience is introduced to Kahn. The episode is essentially provided me with a background story for Kahn as well as his history with Kirk. While I agree that watching the episode from season one of the TV series isn't necessary, if given the time and opportunity I would strongly recommend watching it before the movie.

Overall though, I thought the movie was great. Even the TV episode, "Space Seed" wasn't awful. While it's true that "Space Seed" was more dated than the movie, I actually kind of liked watching both the TV episode and the movie. The most difficult thing about watching the TV episode though was hearing all the references to the 1990s and the multiple attempts to genetically engineer an ideal human race. I'll be the first to roll my eyes, and call it what it is - knit picking, but it kind of made me laugh a little bit because nothing that radical actually happened in the 1990s.

Final Thoughts: The movie surprised me with the way it had ended. Maybe because Star Trek's secrets had been better kept than Star Wars, I had no idea Spock would be killed off. It took away from the story when I knew even before watching any of the Star Wars movies that Luke and Leia were siblings and I knew who Luke's father was all along. It was similar to watching the last Harry Potter movie that was released in theaters with The Boyfriend. I'm not sure how, but he had managed to avoid one of the biggest Potter plot points of the entire series. He watched the movie for the first time and didn't know that in the end, Snape was going to kill Professor Dumbledore.


Next up: Top Hat

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