Friday, July 16, 2010

Another bump in the road

I’ve managed to hit another road bump, which I knew was bound to happen. Only, this time it’s “self-inflicted.”
On Tuesday I decided to run off with the boyfriend for a day trip to St. Augustine. Now as a result it has kind of thrown me off schedule for the rest of the week. However, it was an amazing trip that seemed long over due. If I’m going to be completely honest with everyone and myself though, I had a bad work week at the store. Which made being able to get away, and not worry about work at the store or for the blog, amazing. Even if just for a day.
I did spend Monday night though working to ensure that all of that weeks movies were posted, and that the following weeks titles were announced before the 5:00 PM deadline on Tuesday. Which explains why “cereal” was used in place of “serial” and published in the Grindhouse article. If it adds to the story at all, I was eating breakfast when I made a last minute edit on Tuesday morning before posting the article. I even had also planned to watch Dr. Zhivago when I got home that night. That was until I realized it was a three and a half hour movie. There was no way I would be able to watch an epic after having spent the entire day in the Florida summer heat. 
Here's the deal: Basically, life has started to get in the way of my 365 movie challenge. Today is Friday, and by my calculations I am two days behind in the week. I now need have to play catch up today in-order to keep the plans I have for a rather busy Saturday. To get back on track, I’m going to have to watch three movies in one day. For me, this is no easy task. 

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