Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Alien, 1979
Alien (The Director's Cut)

Alien (The Director's Cut)

Similar to how I plan on watching the Star Trek movies, I've included a three-week mini challenge to watch Alien, Predator and then I plan to finish the mini challenge with Alien v. Predator.

A lot of people have asked me why I've included Alien, Predator, and Alien v. Predator in the 365 Movie Challenge. A few people have even gone as far as to campaign for the removal of these movies from the list. Which took my by complete surprise, because I certainly had never expected these kind of responses after announcing the list of 360 movies. The reason I've kept the movies as part of the 365 Movie Challenge is because I think the thing the 365 Movie Challenge has always depended on has been the diversity of all of the movies in the list. Without an array of movies I don't think I would be successful in completing the 365 Movie Challenge.

I realize that Alien v. Predator might not be the greatest movie ever made, but after that kind of a response I feel like I have to see this movie now. However I feel like in order to see Alien v. Predator I have to see both Alien and Predator first.

So let's get down to it. Alien: I don't really know anything about this movie, but I've been told by a lot of the same people who are campaigning to rid Alien v. Predator from the list that the second Alien movie is better than the first.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

So Alien isn't really something that I would have watched on my own. I don't think there ever would have been a time in my life where I said to myself, "Oh. I should definitely sit down and watch Alien." I'm a little afraid that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this really isn't the kind of movie that I would normally be drawn to watching. Luckily though a surprising number of my friends are. I actually went over to my friend Will's where a group of us watched the movie and celebrated our friend Victor's birthday with some ice cream and a fantastic blueberry pie that my friend Kristin made. I think one of the key things to making this a successful viewing was being able to watch the movie with a few friends.

So how does Alien stack up? Well, I loved the movie. I was completely surprised that I liked the movie too. I was positive that I'd get bored half way through the movie and want to give up on the movie because the pacing was off. This wasn't the case. Sure I looked at the clock once or twice, but it's a rare thing if I don't look and see how much time has passed.

I think the biggest problem I had with the movie was the general concern for the cat, Jones. I mean, if it ever came down to it and I was the last surviving member one a spaceship and being chased by a horrific alien that wanted to kill me - I would leave the ship behind and hope to be picked up by another human occupied craft. I don't know that I'd go around searching for the cat. I also thought it was just kind of weird that the one guy was actually a robot. But whatever, I let that one go.

Final thoughts: The next day when the Boyfriend asked me how I liked the movie and then sent me this link on Facebook. It's a complete re-enactment of the movie done, but with bunnies. I absolutely loved the video, and then a little bit of me had wished that I had just watched the thirty second clip rather than watching a movie that was just about two hours long. In all seriousness though, Alien was worth the time it took to watch. The pacing was just where I needed it to be and I had a great time watching it.


Next up: Lucky Number Slevin


Dana said...

Now watch Aliens!! James Cameron made a sequel that not only picks up the pace, introduces way more likable characters AND exceeds the first one in enjoyment levels at every step of the way.

Joe Foster said...

Glad you liked Alien. One of my favorites. Aliens is really cool also but more of a big budget action blockbuster as you would expect from Cameron - not a sci-fi suspense.

Which Star Trek will you be watching? It will make a HUGE difference in your appreciation of Star Trek...