Saturday, October 2, 2010

All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front, 1979
All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front

I put off watching this movie for a while, and it was because I knew I would be getting a World War I story with this movie.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
The movie caught me off guard. I didn't really anticipate really getting into a war movie and liking this movie as well as I did. My favorite part of the story was learning more about the group of guys, finding out about what they did before the War and how the lives of all the characters had changed with War. I think somehow I knew the way the movie would end though. I wouldn't have been able to tell you exactly how the movie ended, but once the final person had been shot it seemed all too familiar. 
And even though I think I might have known how the movie ended, it didn't make the ending of the movie any easier. The movie left me feeling the same way I felt after watching Easy Rider, I felt like they had made it through the hardest part of the war and battles and then a bullet from no where kills him! Shenanigans! It's such an awful ending to the movie. Almost like production ran out of money and there was a sudden re-write that our hero would be shot when he tried to draw a picture of a bird.
Final thoughts: I guess that's what you get with war movies. And like in life, even the heros don't always make it home before a Victory is declared.


Next up: Super Size Me

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