Friday, October 1, 2010


Laura, 1944
Laura (Fox Film Noir)

Laura (Fox Film Noir)

I have to admit, Film Noir is quickly becoming my new favorite genera! I couldn't wait to watch this movie and even I tried to post-pone watching the movie until a little later in the challenge, well I couldn't resist. Naturally, because the movie is a Film Noir, I'm anticipating Laura not being completely innocent and I can't wait to get started.
After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)
The biggest problem I have with Film Noir, despite it quickly becoming my new favorite genera, is that I have to remind myself that the movie isn't going to be dumbed down the same way an episode of Scooby Doo is dumbed down. I even have to remind myself that the detective typically knows more about the mystery than I do, and skipping back and watching the scene a little closer the third time won't always mean that I'm going to be on the same page until the writer decides it's time to let the audience in on everything the detective knows. Although once I convince myself to stop trying to crack the case and to just enjoy the movie, I'm on board and all in.
This is another classic, who done it movie with a couple of twists along the way. The biggest twist was one I didn't really see coming, but that being said it's not as big of a twist as The Sixth Sense or finding out Darth Vadar fathered both Luke and Leia. It is worth keeping quiet about and letting people watch the movie and realize the twist for themselves though.
Final thoughts: After watching this movie and after watching all the other Film Noir movies from the 365 Movie Challenge, it makes me want to write and make a true Film Noir feature. Who knows, maybe that's the answer. Maybe that's what I'll do when I finish the 365 Movie Challenge.

Next up: All Quiet on the Western Front

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