Saturday, October 9, 2010

Offically putting the 365 Movie Challenge on hold

Because of the demanding schedule from the movie that I'm working on, I'm going to have to put the 365 Movie Challenge on hold. That doesn't mean I plan on extending the 365 Movie Challenge 3 weeks, it just means that I'm going to fall behind because of the movie I'm working on and will have to play catch up for a few weeks.

What's really the bottom line: I'm going to keep watching movies when I can, I'm working 13 hour days sometimes more, and really won't have the kind of time over these 3 weeks to watch, write and post about every movie like I normally would have. Look for posts to start again around October, 25.

Believe me, I wish I didn't have to post pone it like this, but I don't know that I really have any other option. I promise to come up with something pretty awesome to make up for the time off.

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