Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Hurt Locker

The Hurt Locker, 2008
The Hurt Locker

The Hurt Locker

I thought I'd start my Sunday out watching this movie and then maybe switch to a comedy so the day doesn't end on such a heavy note. I know even before watching this movie, it's going to be intense.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

OMG! This has been the most intense and maybe the scariest movie I've seen from the 365 Movie Challenge to date. And before you start rolling your eyes I mean scary as in, this movie is intense. I don't think there has ever been a movie that has made me hold my breath and sit on the edge of my seat the way this movie did. There were so many times where I was nervous and scared to death thinking that at any moment one of the Iraqi citizens were going to shot and kill one of the soldiers or set off an IED.

James Cameron was right to push Kathryn Bigelow to direct this movie. Cameron has even gone on record saying, "I think this could be the Platoon for the Iraq War." I typically don't like James Cameron and the majority of the things he has to say, but damn Kathryn Bigelow hit this one out of the park.

Until recently I wasn't directly connected to anyone who has served either in Iraq or Afghanistan, the only couple of exceptions were a few of the guys I graduated with. Thankfully, all of them have been lucky enough to make it home since their deployment. Within the last six months I learned that my friend Ashley's husband would be working to disarm bombs and IEDs for the United States Army. Ashley, I know things have been crazy lately but I don't think this is movie you should watch until 2015 at the earliest. A lot of times when I watch movies I try to put myself in the characters situation and I don't think I could ever muster up enough courage to walk into a blast zone for an IED and attempt to disarm a bomb. I realize there's always a bit of movie magic added to these stories, but if this has any real merit to what a typical day is like in Iraq - Wow.

Final thoughts: This movie gives you a new perspective on what soldiers face every day in Iraq, and it's terrifying. There were so many scenes and moments in the movie that I couldn't believe these characters were put in this situation. Situations where I would just want to cuddle up and cry and wish like crazy I could be back home again. I found this image from the movie. It was the first real moment when I thought, "OMG he's just going to die."


Next up: National Geographic: Inside the U.S. Secret Service

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