Thursday, January 6, 2011

National Velvet

National Velvet, 1944
National Velvet

National Velvet

I had originally planned to save this movie for the day of the Kentucky Derby, but when I found it at the library I decided it was probably best to take advantage of having it on hand rather than waiting to get it in the mail via Netflix. What I hadn't realized about the movie, until looking at the case, was that it was one of Elizabeth Taylor's first roles. Once I had put this together I was a little more excited about watching the movie. Although I should admit that I have a tendency to steer away from movies with animals, mostly because they end up being killed.

P.S. Don't get attached to the cute little monkey in the movie The Fall, he gets shot.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

Now that I really think about it, it was my friend Kristin who had suggested waiting to watch this movie until the day of the Kentucky Derby. If I had it to do over again, I'd try to better schedule out the 365 Movie Challenge so that I wouldn't end up another thirty-some days behind and could have watched the movie on race day. Instead I watched the movie that night with my Grandpa. The majority of the movies that I've watched have been with my Grams, so it was kind of nice that I was able to sit down with my Grandpa and watch the movie with him.

Final thoughts: I can't say that there was really any one thing about the movie that really stuck out to me. I thought Elizabeth Taylor did a fine job, and the movie was fun. Really this movie became more about being able to watch it one evening with my Grandpa than story lines, acting, music or wardrobe.


Next up: A Street Car Named Desire

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