Saturday, January 8, 2011

Stepford Wives

Stepford Wives, 1975
The Stepford Wives

The Stepford Wives

I saw the remake of this movie in 2004-2005 with my Mom, who had seen the original version and was interested in the remake of the movie. I thought the remake was a little creepy, mostly the idea of an almost 'plastic' and perfect world that these men had created. The hardest part I had when I watched the movie the first time was that some of these men have daughters, who will start dating within the community. Were they going to just openly accept 'the change' when their daughters were grown? After all, the boys who would eventually become men would have a hard time understanding why the girls they were dating didn't act like the women they knew growing up. It's a bit of a downward spiral, and I typically remind myself that it's only a work of Science Fiction which helps me sleep better at night.

After having watched the movie:
(Possible spoilers below)

It's hard to really say which version of the movie I liked best, as far as quality of the movie or the talent. However, if I had to pick one or the other I definitely prefer the original movie. The whole time I was watching the movie I kept imagining the planned communities around Orlando, and there is just something off putting and erie about them to me. I'm sure they're great places to live with home owners associations that enforce ridiculous codes in order to keep the neighborhood in tip top shape, grocery stores just around the corner, brand new office buildings, planned community events and top notch schools but they just scream Stepford. Not sure you believe, check out Avalon Park in Orlando, FL. It's ridiculously creepy.

On a bit of a different note: I've talked about remaking movies in the past and the majority of the time if there's something new I think a remake can offer than I am all for seeing it done if it's done by the right people. Now after having seen the original movie and the remake, I'm glad someone decided to go ahead with a remake of the movie. And I think a lot of the success of the remake was in large part due to casting. After all, everyone who had seen the original probably watched the movie with their own preconceived ideas of what an updated version of the movie would be. Of course I also have to say that all the creative minds behind the remake, were right on mark. Sorry to hate camera, but for once this does not include you. Okay, I have to admit, and those who know me best understand, there was a bit of schadefreude in my previous statement.

Final thoughts: I wish I had thought it through more before I finally sat down to watch the original movie, to have seen the remake immediately after. You know, just for kicks. For those of you haven't seen either movie, that's how I would suggest watching them for the first time. And if you're really into the story or want to full impact, read the book before watching either movie. In the mean time though, I thought it would be fun to post trailers from both versions of the movie. Enjoy!


Next up: Burn After Reading

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